George and Christina Crabb


George Crabb is married to his beautiful soulmate Christina, and father to Douglas and Louis. He enjoys coffee with friends, teaching the Bible, surfing, writing books, and fishing.

George currently oversees the DCC Surf Ministry, and has had a hand in leading and teaching for our Mens and Children’s ministries.

You can thank George for the clean drinking water in Sequim, as he works for the PUD Water Department. When he’s not working for the PUD he enjoys sharing the Living Water of Christ, as an author and YouTube creator.

When asked what a favorite scripture or story from the Bible is, George responded: “Joseph's story. Because he showed a massive picture of Jesus, from start to finish. Wrote a book on it. Billy Graham has inspired me.

In his own words: “DCC is a church with a great reputation of love, God's love for one another and for our neighbors.

Jeff and Jennie Forberg


Jeff has had careers in psychology/counseling, social work, pastoral ministry and as a handyman/contractor. He is the father of 5 and grandfather of 7 (so far). He has been around the block enough to know that “Life is hard, but God is good”. He has served as an Elder in 3 churches, including DCC since 2008.

Ross and Kathy Hamilton


Ross was raised in Burbank California but his family has lived in Sequim for four generations. He moved to Sequim in 1969 and began passionately capturing the beauty of the area on film. Ross began attending Dungeness Community Church in the mid ‘80s and has enjoyed being an elder for many years.

Mark and Kelly Holloway


Mark was born and raised in southern California. He graduated with an engineering degree from Cal Maritime in 1981 and pursued a career as a marine engineer until he retired in 2018. He and his wife Kelly have been married since1985, have three grown children and one grandchild. They moved to Sequim in 1999 and have been attending DCC since that time.

Phil and Carolyn Langston


Phil accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at 38 years old, although he had attended church and served on the vestry of his church. “I just didn’t know Jesus. He transformed my life and has given purpose to it.” He and his wife, Carolyn, moved to Sequim in 1987 from Puyallup where he taught and coached for 24 years. He was discipled by pastor Neil Smith during those early years, and they have attended DCC ever since. He taught and coached at Sequim High School for five years, and then began working as a residential appraiser and inspector from his home office.

Corey and Rachel Meyer


A Sequim native, Corey has been a part of DCC for over 20 years, and an Elder for more than a decade.

Corey has been a CPA since 1998, and has owned his own practice since 2013. With his experience in finance, it’s only fitting that he oversees the DCC finance committee. In years past, Corey has also oversaw the Global Outreach Committee, and had significant leadership in our Youth Ministries at DCC.

Corey grew up in Sequim. He attended Western Baptist College (now Corban University) in Salem, OR where he met his wife, Rachel. Together they have 6 kids — 3 bio and 3 adopted — and were foster parents for a number of years. In his free time, he enjoys building and racing cars.

Favorite Scripture -
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)

Tim and Branette Richards


Tim’s teaching, and leadership, reflect his own life’s adventure in ministry, business, and writing. Having moved to the Dungeness Valley as a child, Tim has an appreciation for the area's history. He is quick to share an anecdote of how things used to be, with an eye to how things can be with love of Christ. 

Tim moved to Sequim at age of 10 where he met his wife, Branette, in eighth grade, at the bus stop, and the rest is history. 

After High School, Tim & Branette both attended Prairie Bible College, each earning a Bachelors in Religious Education. They married in 1984.

After a brief time back in Sequim, they moved to Southern California where Tim attended Talbot School of Theology at Biola University.

While in Graduate School, Tim served as a Youth Pastor as well as working part-time for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Emergency Operations Bureau.  Tim later served for 10 years as a Chaplain with the Clallam County Sheriff’s Department.

In 1988, having completed his MDiv, he received a call to serve as an Associate Pastor at Sierra Bible Church in Sonora, California. He and Branette served there for eight years. During that time Tim also wrote curriculum for David C. Cook Publishing.

A significant part of Tim's story involves a crisis of faith. It was that crisis which led him out of pastoring for a time, feeling the need to separate his search from his paycheck. If you’d like to know more about his story go to

In 1996 Tim & Branette moved back to Sequim where they became active members of Dungeness Community Church. Tim also pursued some entrepreneurial interests, inventing a small tool (The MixMizer ™) which is sold nationwide and founding NorthWest Supply, Inc., a company specializing in the liquidation of medical & scientific assets.

After 19 years in the business world, Dungeness Community Church asked if Tim would consider assuming the role of Lead Pastor. Sensing God's timing and leading to re-enter full-time ministry, Tim accepted the call and joined the staff on November 1, 2015.

Tim says, "This is an adventure of grace that only God could have orchestrated. We are just excited and grateful that He has invited us along for the ride."

Tim & Branette are proud parents of four grown children and seven grandchildren (for now).

Rich and Claudine Sill


Rich and his wife Claudine have been married for 47 years and have been blessed with four wonderful kids. They have been serving the Lord in various capacities since their early 20’s and moved to the Olympic Peninsula after Rich retired from an exciting career in law enforcement in the Southern California area. Rich currently works for Clallam County. His favorite Bible Verse is Romans 12:12.

George and Norma Wreggit


George and his wife Norma are originally from the Midwest but moved to the Pacific Northwest during his tour in the Navy. He practiced surgery in Bellingham for 31 years and retired to Sequim to be near their daughter and her family. George accepted Christ as his savior as a child and has tried to follow Him ever since. They have attended DCC since 2005 and he has been an elder since 2008.

Brian and Molly Omann


A transplant from Sitka, AK since 2003, Brian has a heart for missions and visiting the lonely. He and his wife, Molly, have served on the Global Outreach Committee for several years. He grew up learning about Jesus, giving his life to Him in 1989. He holds a Civil Engineering degree from Oregon State University. He and Molly have two grown children, Jeremiah and Gabe. He holds Romans 8:28 close to his heart as he acknowledges “how much I need Him, and how He is always there.”

Bob Staci Torres


Bob was raised in the Mormon Church, and “met the real Lord Jesus Christ and was born again” at 17 years old. He has varied experiences in serving God – at a rescue mission in San Jose, CA, behind the Iron Curtain smuggling Bibles during his summers between college years at Prairie Bible Institute, pastoring youth in Campbell, CA, and eventually marrying his wife, Staci. They moved to Santa Cruz where he joined efforts to begin a Vineyard Christian Fellowship church. After visiting Sequim in 2001, he and his family moved here in 2003. He made DCC his home shortly after Tim came to lead this flock as pastor. Bob owns a real estate company here and has led various Bible studies and participated on multiple mission trips. For the past two years, he has worked with DCC’s youth group.

Ric and Nada Yorke


Ric’s passion is to help others grow in Christ and develop their gifts to serve the body. He uses his gifts as Men’s Ministries Coordinator, where he strives to be an example to younger men and a reminder that no one is ever too old to come to Christ. Ric gave his life to Jesus in college. “I found myself broken trying to make sense of the many mistakes I made and the experiences I had.” One of his favorite prayers is taken from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians in 1:17 for the spirit of wisdom and knowledge of Him. He retired from law enforcement after 29 years. He and his wife, Nada, moved to Sequim seven years ago and share a consulting business focused on helping agencies address the effects of domestic violence.